Wednesday, January 27, 2010

An unforgettable japanese quiz

Well, japanese is a kind of language which content with a lot of handwritten and a lot of pronounciation.

In MMU, I did taken japanese subject as my foreign language. It is interesting at first, but it went horrible when "sensei" is going to have quiz in our 3rd lesson which is classroom instruction with hiragana word.

After few days of struggling, I tried to memorize all the pronounciation with romaji & ABCs words. (Trust me guys... it is hard & tough... more than u guys think of..) On that day itself , my brain still makes me dissapointed. In the end.. fail for the 1st quiz in japanese. The tears start to roll inside my eyes, really scare it will falls..(stupid yeah?)

More than 3/4 student in class are failed for their 1st quiz. DAMN IT.... well, we still gonna have 2nd quiz on friday. Be prepared to die...

I'm sure u guys will asked : what is the big deal?

In fact, our lecturer did mention that, for those student already fail in quiz 1 n fail in qui2 as well, need to drop the japanese class.. I was stunned... In all the primary n secondary that i had gone through, i never been throught such teacher that really strict to student. (I'm respect yet scare of her as well).. I believe she is not trying to be sarcastic la..^^v

SO, guys..wish me good luck in my next quiz..

That's all for today~ Arigato gozaimas..

